torsdag 27 december 2012

Boxing day...

Annandagen spenderades mest med att skotta snö, taken börjar bli lite för tunga...
Jag skottade fram mitt lilla växthus .
Snön gick upp till midjan så det var lite jobbigt att ta sig dit .

Lover Boy fick ta sig an dom lite större taken.

Boxing Day was spent most by shoveling snow, the roofs are becoming a bit too heavy ...

I shoveled out my little greenhouse.
The snow was up to my waist so it was a pain to get there.

Lover Boy had to shovel the slighter bigger roofs. And when he was ready he just took a jump of the roof .


2 kommentarer:

  1. It might not be nice to live with but that's one gorgeous scene! x

  2. A complicated situation, but beautiful photos.
