söndag 14 december 2014

Party time ...

Vi åkte till Stockholm för en helg med god mat och dryck i vänners goda umgänge.  Julbord i gamla stan och ett antal stop för dryckes intag . Supertrevligt ! En fin klänning inhandlades även på Beyond retro .

We took a weekend in Stockholm and spent it with friends . Cristmas food in the "old town" and a lots of pit stops for beverages along the way . So great !
A great old dress was also bought . Of course .

3 kommentarer:

  1. You look gorgeous!! This looks like so much fun. Wish I was drinking one with you there!

  2. I wish i could hang out with you! Your Crimplene dresses are really gorgeous! x

  3. Old friends, old frocks, and a beer or several - sounds and looks perfect! xxx
