Jorå jag lever , men jag har haft tjänstledigt från bloggen mest hela sommaren . Ingen inspiration , inte så mycket tid . Undert denna otroligt underbara sommar så har vi mest bara sovit inne - inget tid framför någon dator.
Det har varit varmt och skönt , vi har gjort massor men bara hemma . Inte rest någonstans . Eller jo - lite ... Jag har varit på hoppkurs med min lilla häst och spenderat några underbara dagar med underbara mäniskor ! Jag har varit till Kratte (Hofors trakten ) och deltagit i Flatcoated retrivet mästerskapen med min hund och vi var jätte duktiga även om vi inte vann. Vi har umgåtts med vänner och haft det bra .
Well - im alive , but i have had a leave of absence from blogging most of this summer . No inspiration and no time - this glourious and warm summer we just sleept inside the house - no time infront of a computer . We have spent most of our time at home , not traveled any were . Well i have kind of , I went on a showjumping course for a few days and a wonderful time with some wonderful people. And i have been on the flatcoated retriver championships with my dog ! We did well but we did not win . But winning aint all.
We have spent a lots of qualty time with friends and had some great times.
Time spent with friends and animals sounds good to me! It's good to see you when you feel like posting, Carina! xxx
SvaraRaderaSounds like you're having fun. Post when you're ready, we love you and aren't going any where! xxxx
SvaraRaderaI love what I picture as your life in the country. Your dog must make you very proud even if you did not win, its the journey there that matters. Enjoy the last of summer days as they sleep into beautiful fall, pretty soon we will see you playing in the snow, but not now, not now!
Det låter som en bra sommar <3
SvaraRaderaReally a wonderful post! You should post when it feels right for you, hun :) xx