Så gräsligt dålig på det där med blogg design -eller så har jag för dåligt intresse. I vilket fall som helst så får den fortsätta se ut så här ett tag till då.
Har jobbat klart för ett tag igen nu och ser mest bara framemot att få åka iväg till Stockholm snart, bo på hotell, äta god mat och springa runt i en massa second hand och vintage butiker !
Yeah !!
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Tryed to cheer my self up with some red .... |
Thought "fix" to the blog up a bit but all I managed was to remove the one thing I wanted to keep .. Sigh.
So horribly bad at the blog design, or ´maybee it just is a lack of interest. In any case, it will continue to look like this for a while then.
Off work for a while again now and are mostly just looking forward to going away to Stockholm soon, staying at a fancy hotel, eat good food , poring some beverages down the throat and run around in a lot of second hand and vintage shops!
So horribly bad at the blog design, or ´maybee it just is a lack of interest. In any case, it will continue to look like this for a while then.
Off work for a while again now and are mostly just looking forward to going away to Stockholm soon, staying at a fancy hotel, eat good food , poring some beverages down the throat and run around in a lot of second hand and vintage shops!